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The Entertainment Committee is responsible for all of the Entertainment portions of the fair. This includes track events, the baby show, midway, entertainment tent and so much more.


Committee Chair: Kevin Reid

Committees of the Fair
Is there a place where you could fit?

Finance & Policy

The Finance & Policy Committee is responsible for the finer details of how our Ag Society runs. They look after where we are spending our money, where we need to budget or make changes, and any policies that are working or not.


Committee Chair: Tyler Hopkins


The Livestock Committee looks after all of the finer details and execution of the livestock shows at the fair. This includes the Beef Show and Poultry Show.


Committee Chair: Kevin Reid



Horse Show

The Horse Show Committee looks after all of the finer details and execution of the horse show at the fair. 


Committee Chair: Jodie Beattie


The Property Committee takes care of the fairgrounds and buildings on the fairgrounds.


Committee Chair: Greg Hutchinson



The Storage Committee looks after the storing of vehicles for winter storage. These committee members are very good at their work and devote many Saturday mornings to this portion of the fair board.


Committee Chair: Jeff Gilkinson

Barn Dance

The Barn Dance Commmittee is responsible for putting on the Spring Dance every year on the last weekend in May.


Committee Chair: Hiliary Breadner

Regional 4-H Show

The Regional 4-H Show Committee runs the Regional 4-H Shows on the Friday of the fair. The three shows that go on are the Beef, Dairy and Sheep shows. The hard work of this committee allows hundreds of 4-H kids from across Grey and Bruce to compete to move forward to larger shows to represent the counties.


Committee Chair: Mary Lynn Lawrence


The Education/Promotion Committee looks after both Old MacDonald's Farm and advertising for the fall fair. 


Committee Chair: Hiliary Breadner



This Committee is put together to work on a joint venture of a regional fair with new fairgrounds next to Grey Roots outside of Owen Sound.


Committee Chair: Larry Parkin

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